Bombay Original Dry Gin
Bombay Original Dry Gin is a traditional and classical gin which has been made using a 1761 recipe. The soft and classical gin taste comes from the traditional production method. Bombay Dry Gin has been made by the single fold method which has been used since 1761. Therefore, no additives or concentrates are used in the making. Copper still method from 1831 is used in the distillation and clean water is added before bottling.
Bombay Original Dry Gin is a classical mild dry gin with clear aromas of citrus and juniper berries. The aftertaste is dry, long-term and versatile.
- Product information
- Product sheet and logos
Brand | The Bombay Spirits |
Origin | Great Britain |
Alcohol content | 40% vol |
Volume | 700 ml 1000 ml |
EAN code | 700 ml 5010677704014 1000 ml 5010677704069 |
Packaging information | 700 ml, packed by 6 1000 ml, packed by 12 |
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