Estonian Sea
Estonian Sea
Author Liisi Kütt (M/S Baltic Queen)
The famous classic Estonian liqueur Vana Tallinn and handicraft beer called Meri met at the sea. The slight saltiness of beer intensifies the salty nature of sea even more. Raspberries, lime and grape add sourish balance to sweet liqueur and thus a cocktail was born that is worth trying. Drink Meri at the sea.
4 cl liqueur Vana Tallinn
4 cl beer ”Põhjala Meri”
6 raspberries
2 cl grape juice
1.5 cl lime juice
1 cl syrup
Himalayan salt and dried lime for decoration
Apply Himalayan salt onto the edge of wine glass. Crush raspberries in shaker, add Vana Tallinn, grape and lime juice and syrup. Shake strongly. Drain the mixture to the glass filled with ice, add beer and decorate with dried lime.